ENDOWMENT FUND “Maryse Sabrié” for the ancient and historical heritage in the region of NarbonneBECOME A PATRON OF THE CLOS DE LA LOMBARDEFrance has an exceptional heritage which is the envy of many other countries that are younger and wealthier than ours. Unfortunately, thestate budgets for the preservation and restoration of antique sites decrease year after year. As a result, corporate and private patronage is growing. Great monuments that represent the glory of France, like the Palace of Versailles,owe their revival, their splendor and their success as a tourist attraction to these patrons. We would like to establish something similar for the Clos de la Lombarde. We want it to benefit from the generosity of individuals andbusinesses who are ready to show their interest and commitment to this exceptional archaeological site while benefiting fromadvantageous tax provisions. To bring this ambition to life, we have created an instrument that allows this generosity to be expressed: the endowment fund "MaryseSabrié" for the ancient and historical heritage of the region of Narbonne. We named this fund to pay homage to the great lady who,alongside her husband Raymond, discovered the Clos de la Lombarde, excavated it for many decades, participated in the restoration ofantique wall paintings to which she devoted her doctoral thesis. This endowment fund, a legal entity under French law, shares the values and objectives of our association: not for profit, to work for acause of general interest, the preservation and enhancement of our heritage, in particular the Clos de la Lombarde. From now on, you as a private individual or as a commercial enterprise, can dedicate a portion of your taxes to the support of this project.To do this, simply make a donation to the Maryse Sabrié fund. In return, we will send you the CERFA receipt with which you can claim taxbenefits. Become a patron of the Clos de la Lombarde!The "Maryse Sabrie" endowment fund for the ancient and historical heritage of the region of Narbonne: Presentation in 5 questions1. What is the Fund “Maryse Sabrie”? The fund is a private, non-profit legal entity whose purpose is to receive and manage donations and gifts of any kind that are provided to it free of charge and in an irrevocable manner. These donations allow it to contribute to the knowledge, the study, the protection, the enhancement and the popularity of the ancient and historical heritage of the Narbonne region, and first and foremost to the protection and development of the Clos de la Lombarde. TO READ THE STATUTES (IN FRENCH), PLEASE CLICK HERE2. Who created this fund ? It was created by our association 3. How does the Fund work ? The fund is managed by a Board of Directors of which our association is an ex-officio member. These directors include people qualified in the subject matter of the fund. The fund is the recipient of donations for projects within its field of activity. The Board of Directors chooses which project(s) is/are supported by the fund and determines the level of financial participation of the fund in the project(s). 4. What will the fund's resources be ? An initial allocation of € 15,000.00 required by law has been collected thanks to the generosity of the members of our association and a financial contribution from the association. The fund receives donations and gifts of various kinds granted by natural persons, legal entities, commercial enterprises, institutions, ... But the fund is by law prohibited from receiving public funds. 5. What are the benefits for donors ? In addition to the satisfaction of participating in the preservation and enhancement of the heritage in Narbonne, donors enjoy tax benefits (Income tax: 66% of the donation amount up to the limit of 20% of taxable income, company tax: 60% of donation amount up to 5% of turnover) - all these are currently restricted to individuals/companies taxable in France. Thus, a donation of € 100.00 from a donor subject to French income tax represents an actual cost of only € 34.00. The donors have the satisfaction of seeing a part of their taxes assigned to a project that is close to their heart. If you are not taxable in France and would like to make a donation, please do not hesitate to contact us, so we can discuss specific arrangements with you. For any additional information: contact@amiscloslombarde.fr or +33 (0)6 72 28 58 70TO ACCESS THE DONATION FORM, CLICK HERE