The pages relating to the news of the archaeological site of "Clos de la Lombarde" are intended to allow our visitors to see the current state of the remnants and to become acquainted with the projects that are directly or indirectly related to the site. But to provide a better understanding of the problems  related to the preservation of the site and its development, it  seems essential to explain in a few lines the legal situation.  The site of the "Clos de la Lombarde" consists of the parcels 353, 354, 355 and 356 referenced on the cadaster of Narbonne sheet 000 AI 01. The parcel 356, on which the excavations have taken place, is state property. The other parcels have been acquired by the City of Narbonne. The State granted the City of Narbonne a long-term lease of 99 years from 01 April 1979 until 31 March 2079. By Order 042 of 29 November 2007, the archaeological remains of the "Clos de la Lombarde" site were classified as Historic Monuments. As a result, the site "classified as historical monuments cannot be destroyed or moved, even partially, nor be the object of a work of restoration, repair or modification of any kind without authorization from the administrative authority. " (Article L.621-9 paragraph 1 of the Heritage Code). Paragraph 2 of Article L.621-9 of the same Code requires that authorized works be carried out under the scientific and technical control of the State departments responsible for historic monuments. Articles L.621-11 and L.621-12 of the Heritage Code clarify the procedures to avoid the degradation of the protected buildings/sites if they are threatened with deterioration due to negligence or the lack of means of their owners. But these provisions do not apply to monuments belonging to the State. However, Article L.621-29-1 of the Heritage Code states that the owner or the landlord is responsible for the conservation of the historic monument that belongs to him or is assigned to him. As regards the "Clos de la Lombarde", the City of Narbonne is a landlord by virtue of the long-term lease it has been granted. Finally article L.621-8 of the Heritage Code provides for the total or partial declassification of the historic monument if it was destroyed or very badly damaged as a result of natural phenomena such as storms, floods, earthquakes or demolished by acts of war or attacks. Le Clos de la Lombarde