This triclinium had an exceptional decor. The lower part of the wall decor was fake  painted marble, partly hidden by the  couches for the guests.  Above it stood a trompe-l'oeil architecture consisting of  columns with Corinthian capitals and crowned by a green  curtain.   Two characters stand out: A winged victory brandishing a shield     A genie holding in his right hand a hook and carrying on  his left arm a cornucopia.  On the right, an edicule houses a Roman soldier leaning on his  spear. A bust of Apollo Laureate, protector of the Emperor, dominates  the scene. A character who could be identified as a magistrate completed  the chart on the left.  The ensemble can be considered as a manifestation of imperial  worship, an exceptional representation in a private dwelling.   The decoration of the vault was made of a bed with false caissons and portraits of divinities including that of a Dioscuri. Other scenes have come down to us: Loves hunters, Leda and the swan, nymph and satyr, centaur, allegories...